Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Minimalism stories that will inspire you

Kelly reshares your inspiring and heartfelt minimalist lifestyle stories and asks you for NEW SUBMISSIONS to share on a future episode of the podcast! 
Kelly and Lauren want to hear about how living a minimalist lifestyle or adopting minimalist practises has helped you design a simpler and more intentional life.
If you are interested in sharing your story with Kelly and Lauren, please submit your story over email to [email protected] or via direct message on Instagram @millennialminimalists or Facebook @millennialminimalists and you can find these quick links below as well! Please do so before or by Oct 7th, 2024.
As Kelly reads through past listener stories and shares her reflections, you will learn about some of the greatest benefits that come with living with less, including personal growth and greater fulfillment.
Thank you in advance to those of you who share your story. Please see quick links below:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @millennialminimalists
Facebook: @millennialminimalists
Learn more about Kelly & Lauren, partner discounts, and Lauren’s Closet Course at
